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Erik Goddard

Works of Fiction

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While I am most comfortable writing complex plot lines, intriguing premises, and detailed characters, I am particularly comfortable writing about unpleasant and unexpected things happening to these characters.


The word suspense can be shortly defined as "anxiety or a state of uncertainty or excitement about the outcome of something." When reading my work, expect to see likable characters killed off, plots twisted to stifle happy endings, gray skies and cold. 


My work spans a few different themes: mostly thriller/suspense, horror, and sci-fi. I also write some young adult themes of adventure and discovery.

I grew up reading stuff like Willard Price, Hardy Boys, Robert Arthur Jr., Edgar Rice Burroughs, Whitley Streiber, Stephen King, James Clavell, Isaac Asimov, Frank Herbert, Lovecraft, Arthur C. Clarke, Jules Verne, H. G. Wells, George Orwell, Phillip K. Dick and so many more. I've loved mysteries, crime, historical, and literary, but my true love is suspense, thrillers, horror and sci fi. Some of my favorite titles include Salem's Lot, The Shining, Rendevous with Rama, Dracula, Lord of the Rings, The Talented Mr. Ripley, The Collector, Dune, We Have Always Lived in the Castle, The Haunting, The Incredible Shrinking Man, Great Expectations, Turn of the Screw, Love in the Time of Cholera, Devil in the White City.

I love discovering new writers and new stories. I am firmly in the camp that maintains not all stories have been written yet. There is always something new.



My Writing Style

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Generally speaking, I write stories about fictional themes that interest me: suspense, fear of the unknown, and unexpected outcomes. These stories can involve victims, criminal elements, unknown connections between people, or observations that remain unexplainable. Strange things happening to ordinary people, or people getting caught up in dangerous situations are recurring themes of suspense that motivate me.  


According to Wikipedia:

Suspense is a state of mental uncertainty, anxiety, being undecided, or being doubtful. In a dramatic work, suspense is the anticipation of the outcome of a plot or of the solution to an uncertainty, puzzle, or mystery, particularly as it affects a character for whom one has sympathy. 

Erik Goddard
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